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Happy Birthday My Dear #LivyLu

Writer's picture: KaylaKayla

On the eve of your birthday I sit here and ponder. Three years ago tomorrow you made all my dreams come true. As I watched you curl up into your blankets this evening, you asked me to read one more story and sing one more song. All I can think is, can I just keep you this little a little longer?

Tomorrow morning you will wake up and not realize anything has changed. For you, it will just be another day (except that there will be cake after dinner). But for me, you will be older. For me you will finally have the title of a three year old, and now I can say that you act your age: with your independence, sass, ability to love wholeheartedly, and your ability to see the world with perfect eyes.

I constantly go between wanting you to stay my little baby forever (soaking up days of slobbery kisses, squeals, snuggles, little chubby fingers grasping for me, tiny pitter patters as you sneak around trying to surprise me, and hearing “pweeeese” 50 times a day because you can't pronounce the “L”), and being excited about all of the amazing things you’ll do in this life.

This next year will probably be another tough year of fighting independence and determination. But it will also be the year when you will learn how to put a shirt on the right way, grow out of diapers and become a member of the pantie club (crossing our fingers to potty training round #2…. Whenever I get the courage to do that again), We will perfect counting to ten (not that there's anything wrong for six to come after four and nine to come after six). You will probably get better at pronouncing your F’s, L’s, and W’s, and you might even learn to say your own name properly. You will continue to teach your little sister to play hard and love fiercely; you will continue to be a reason for your family to smile and you will forever have a tight hold on my heart.

But my dear sweet girl, never stop believing that every new person you meet (especially the ones your height) are your friends. Never give up on your determination, you can do anything. Never stop laughing (oh how I live for that laugh) and finding ways to make your family laugh. And especially don't give up on your imaginations (I adore the moments you call out “SWIPER NO SWIPING!” and pretend to protect your toys from the sly fox). For it is that imagination that will facilitate action. It will be what drives you to discover and explore. It is through imagination that you will be able to perceive the world in a way that no one else could, and through that perception you will move mountains.

My dear sweet sweet #LivyLu, “Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” Above all never, ever forget that I love you.

Happy Birthday my dear #LivyLu

One Minute Old

Two Weeks Old

Six Months Old

Eleven Months Old, First Time Sledding

Mother's Day 2016, Seventeen Months Old

Nineteen Months

Two Years and One Month Old

Two Years and Three Months Old

Two Years and Six Months, after she finished her first fun run!

Two Years and Six Months, Hot Air Balloon Festival

Two Years and Nine Months

Two Years and Ten Months

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